09:07 // Mark Foerster
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015
lunes, 13 de abril de 2015
Important tables in SAP BW 7.x
Listing of commonly used tables in SAP BI
Listed below are some of the tables commonly used in SAP BW 7.x - however the same has not been tested in NW2004s and please make corrections if required. Some of this material has gone through a lot of eyeballs before making it to the final list and could contain some older references / incorrect references , however most of them have been validated.
Transfer Structure
| |
RSTS | Transfer Structure List |
RSTSFIELD | Transfer Structure fields |
RSTSRULES | Transfer Structure rules |
RSAROUTT | Text name of Transfer Routine |
DD03T | Text for R/3 Transfer structure Objects |
Update Rules | |
RSUPDROUT | Update rules List |
RSUPDDAT | Update rules with routines |
RSUPDKEY | Update rule key fields |
RSUPDINFO | InfoProvider to Infosource correlation |
Embedded ABAP coding for Transfer / Update Rules | |
RSAABAP | ABAP source code per object routine |
InfoPackage | |
RSLDPIO | Links datasource to infopackages |
RSLDPIOT | InfoPackage Text Description |
RSLDPRULE | ABAP source code for InfoPackages |
RSLDPSEL | Hardcoded selections in InfoPackages |
RSMONICDP | Contains the request-id number by data target |
RSPAKPOS | List of InfoPackage Groups / InfoPackages |
| |
RSEVENTCHAIN | Event Chain Processing Event Table |
RSEVENTHEAD | Header for the event chain |
RSEVENTHEADT | Header for the event chain |
RSPCCHAIN | Process chain details |
RSPCCHAINATTR | Attributes for a Process Chain |
RSPCCHAINEVENTS | Multiple Events with Process Chains |
RSPCCHAINT | Texts for Chain |
RSPCCOMMANDLOG | System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains) |
RSPCLOGCHAIN | Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID |
RSPCLOGS | Application Logs for the Process Chains |
RSPCPROCESSLOG | Logs for the Chain Runs |
RSPCRUNVARIABLES | Variables for Process Chains for Runtime |
RSPC_MONITOR | Monitor individual process chains |
| |
RSZELTDIR | Directory of the reporting component elements |
RSZELTTXT | Texts of reporting component elements |
RSZELTXREF | Directory of query element references |
RSRREPDIR | Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID) |
RSZCOMPDIR | Directory of reporting components |
RSZRANGE | Selection specification for an element |
RSZSELECT | Selection properties of an element |
RSZELTDIR | Directory of the reporting component elements |
RSZCOMPIC | Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube |
RSZELTPRIO | Priorities with element collisions |
RSZELTPROP | Element properties (settings) |
RSZELTATTR | Attribute selection per dimension element |
RSZCALC | Definition of a formula element |
RSZCEL | Query Designer: Directory of Cells |
RSZGLOBV | Global Variables in Reporting |
RSZCHANGES | Change history of reporting components |
| |
RSRWBINDEX | List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks) |
RSRWBINDEXT | Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks) |
RSRWBSTORE | Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks) |
RSRWBTEMPLATE | Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templates |
RSRWORKBOOK | Where-used list for reports in workbooks |
Web templates
| |
RSZWOBJ | Storage of the Web Objects |
RSZWOBJTXT | Texts for Templates/Items/Views |
RSZWOBJXREF | Structure of the BW Objects in a Template |
RSZWTEMPLATE | Header Table for BW HTML Templates |
InfoObject | |
RSDIOBJ | Directory of all InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJT | Texts of InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJ | Directory of all InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJT | Texts of InfoObjects |
RSDATRNAV | Navigation Attributes |
RSDATRNAVT | Navigation Attributes |
RSDBCHATR | Master Data Attributes |
RSDCHABAS | Basic Characteristics (for Characteristics,Time Characteristics, and Units) |
RSDCHA | Characteristics Catalog |
RSDDPA | Data Package Characteristic |
RSDIOBJCMP | Dependencies of InfoObjects |
RSKYF | Key Figures |
RSDTIM | Time Characteristics |
RSDUNI | Units |
| |
RSDCUBE | Directory of InfoCubes |
RSDCUBET | Texts on InfoCubes |
RSDCUBEIOBJ | Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) |
RSDDIME | Directory of Dimensions |
RSDDIMET | Texts on Dimensions |
RSDDIMEIOBJ | InfoObjects for each Dimension (Where-Used List) |
RSDCUBEMULTI | InfoCubes involved in a MultiCube |
RSDICMULTIIOBJ | MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects |
RSDICHAPRO | Characteristic Properties Specific to an InfoCube |
RSDIKYFPRO | Flag Properties Specific to an InfoCube |
RSDICVALIOBJ | InfoObjects of the Stock Validity Table for the InfoCube |
RSDCUBEMULTI | InfoCubes concerned with MultiCube |
RSDICMULTIIOBJ | MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects |
| |
RSDDAGGRDIR | Directory of Aggregates |
RSDDAGGRCOMP | Description of Aggregates |
RSDDAGGRT | Text on Aggregates |
RSDDAGGLT | Directory of the aggregates, texts |
ODS Object | |
RSDODSO | Directory of all ODS Objects |
RSDODSOT | Texts of all ODS Objects |
RSDODSOIOBJ | InfoObjects of ODS Objects |
RSDODSOATRNAV | Navigation Attributes for ODS Object |
RSDODSOTABL | Directory of all ODS Object Tables |
PSA | |
RSTSODS | Directory of all PSA Tables |
DataSource (= OLTP Source) | |
ROOSOURCE | Header Table for SAP BW DataSources (SAP Source System/BW System) |
RODELTAM | BW Delta Procedure (SAP Source System) |
RSOLTPSOURCE | Replication Table for DataSources in BW |
InfoSource | |
RSIS | Directory of InfoSources with Flexible Update |
RSIST | Texts on InfoSources with Flexible Update |
RSISFIELD | InfoObjects of an InfoSource |
Communications Structure | |
RSKS | Communications Structure for InfoSources with Flexible Update |
RSKS | Communications Structure (View) for Attributes for an InfoSource with Direct Update |
RSKSFIELD | Texts on InfoSources with Flexible Update |
RSISFIELD | InfoObjects of an InfoSource with Flexible Update |
Transfer Structure | |
RSTS | Transfer Structure in SAP BW |
ROOSGEN | Generated Objects for a DataSource (Transfer Structure, for example in SAP Source System) |
| |
RSISOSMAP | Mapping Between InfoSources and DataSources (=OLTP Sources) |
RSOSFIELDMAP | Mapping Between DataSource Fields and InfoObjects |
InfoSpoke | |
RSBSPOKESELSET | InfoSpoke Directory and Selection Options |
RSBSPOKEVSELSET | InfoSpoke Directory with Selection Options and Versioning |
RSBSPOKE | List of all InfoSpokes with attributes maintained with transaction RSBO which include the name of the Source & Target Structures |
RSBSPOKET | List of all InfoSpokes with the Short & Long Descriptions (only one of these can be maintained). |
RSBSTEPIDMESS | Contains all the messages that have been recorded during the execution of an InfoSpoke. This table can be added to using the ABAP Class/Method i_r_log->add_sy_message. |
SAP BW Statistics | |
RSDDSTAT | Basic Table for InfoCubes/Queries |
RSDDSTATAGGR | Detail Table for Aggregate Setup |
RSDDSTATAGGRDEF | Detail Table of Navigation for each InfoCube/Query |
RSDDSTATCOND | InfoCube Compression |
RSDDSTATDELE | InfoCube Deletions |
RSDDSTATWHM | Warehouse Management |
Misc | |
RSFEC | BW Frontend Check. Useful for checking the installed SAP GUI versions on user machines. |
RSSELDONE | InfoPackage selection and job program, there in field UPDMODE the update status (INIT/DELTA/FULL) |
RSPSADEL | PSA Table deletion |
TBTCP | Job Schedule Definition |
TBTCO | Job Schedule Result |
RSMONMESS | Monitor Messages |
RSERRORLOG | Check loading errors in table |
V_RSZGLOBV | Report Variables view table |
DEVACCESS | Developer Keys table |
TSTC | All Transactions in the system |
RSDDAGGRDIR | Directory of the aggregates |
ROIDOCPRMS | Control parameters for data transfer from the source system |
SMEN_BUFFC | Objects in User's Favorites |
TSTCT | Transaction Codes with Text |
DD03L | field names and corresponding data element names |
DD03LT | Description of each data element |
DD02L | All SAP Defined Table Names |
DD02LT | Description of All SAP Defined Table Names |
Web Item
| |
RSZWITEM | Header Table for BW Web Items |
RSZWMDITEM | BW Web Metadata: Template Item ( Dataprovider, Item, ... ). |
RSZWITEMXREF | Cross Reference of Web Items |
RSZWMIMEIOBUFFER | Buffer for Translation MIME Rep. to IO |
RSZWOBJ | Storage of the Web Objects |
RSZWOBJTXT | Texts of Templates/Items/Views |
RSZWOBJXREF | Structure of the BW Objects in a Template |
RSZWTEMPLATE | Header Table for BW HTML Templates |
Archiving | |
RSARCHIPRO | BW Archiving: General Archiving Properties |
RSARCHIPROIOBJ | BW Archiving: General Archiving Properties |
RSARCHIPROLOC | BW ARchiving: General Local Properties |
RSARCHIPROLOCSEL | BW Archiving: Archived Data Area |
RSARCHIPROPID | BW Archiving: Program References of InfoProvider |
RSARCHREQ | BW Archiving: Archiving Request |
RSARCHREQFILES | BW Archiving: Verfified Archive Files |
RSARCHREQSEL | BW Archiving: Request-Selections |
Open Hub Destination | |
RSBOHSERVICETP | Open Hub: Service Types |
RSBREQUESTDELTA | Open Hub: Cross Reference Outbound/Inbound |
RSBREQUESTMESS | Open Hub: Log for a Request |
RSBREQUID | Open Hub: Requests |
RSBREQUID3RD | Open Hub: Status of 3rd Party Requests |
RSBREQUIDRUN | Open Hub: Table with Status for a Request |
RSBSTRUCTURE | Open Hub: Generated Structures and Tables |
lunes, 6 de abril de 2015
BW and In-Memory Storage
oday I’m going to talk to you a bit about how data is stored in BW and why proper planning for storage is important. Let’s say for example, you have a large project coming down the pipeline and are unsure of how this new data being introduced into your production landscape will affect the BW environment. You probably have a mature SAP installation at your company, and chances are you are using a Business Warehouse Accelerator (BWA) appliance or HANA (don’t forget to factor these in). It’s essential to plan a strategy with the database administrators as they are directly impacted by each and every new project. New projects mean more data being added, which means more space required within the database.
The 10% rule – BWA Sizing:
An easy way to ballpark how much memory is required to index BW data onto your BWA is to follow the 10% rule. That means for every Gigabyte of BW data, around 100 MB will be needed for BWA storage. Thankfully, the TREX engine that BWA runs is capable of efficiently compressing and storing of data in memory at 1/10th the size of what BW stores it at. This allows you to fit more data in BWA without having to worry too much about space constraints.
Database storage vs in-memory storage
Data can be stored cheaply on a disk based database versus an in-memory database. Each type has their pros and cons. Disk based storage is cheap, but the catch is slow performance. In-Memory is fast, but extremely expensive. That’s why it’s important for companies to properly plan for and balance out their data distribution to only index into memory the best candidates.
BWA and the 50% rule
BWA is made up of a series of blades. Let’s use HP’s 36GB blades for examples sake. If your appliance has 14 blades, you would have 504 GB of space for data storage, right? Wrong. BWA has its own 50% rule.
Per SAP’s best practices, only half of each blade can be filled with data meaning only 18GB of each 36GB blade is usable for indexing. 18GB*14 blades = 252GB. The other 18GB is used for processing and computing. As you creep over the 50% index storage number, expect to see performance degrading exponentially.
Our BWA is full, now what?
RAM within BWA is very, very expensive. Unless everything is being used equally within the BWA, I would recommend performing an As-Is assessment of all indexed InfoCubes and remove the least utilized InfoCubes to free up space for more popular cubes. RSDDBIASTATUSE is a handy BW table that stores the execution history of queries against the BWA by cube. Take a look at query execution history to better identify the slackers. You will be surprised by how much space you could easily regain by removing a few hogs.
How much space is a cube taking up on BWA memory?
Transaction TREXADMIN allows you to view exactly how much space a table is taking up on BWA. Focus solely on the F table which consists of both the E and F tables from the BW side. There is no E table on BWA, just F.
Firstly, we type in an InfoCube we know is indexed in BWA. In this example I’m using cube 0PCA_C01. Navigate to the Index Admin tab and type *0PCA_C01* in order to pull all relevant tables for this cube. Now focus on the F table and the Memory Size column. This cube is taking up 211,292 KB or 0.2 GB of BWA’s total memory.
How much space is a cube taking on BW disk?
Transaction DB02 allows you to view size at a database level. Go into BW Analysis and access both the E and F cube object areas. Below you can see each row from each area. If you combine both of these, you will have around 3.5GB of data.
The 10% rule – BWA Sizing:
An easy way to ballpark how much memory is required to index BW data onto your BWA is to follow the 10% rule. That means for every Gigabyte of BW data, around 100 MB will be needed for BWA storage. Thankfully, the TREX engine that BWA runs is capable of efficiently compressing and storing of data in memory at 1/10th the size of what BW stores it at. This allows you to fit more data in BWA without having to worry too much about space constraints.
Database storage vs in-memory storage
Data can be stored cheaply on a disk based database versus an in-memory database. Each type has their pros and cons. Disk based storage is cheap, but the catch is slow performance. In-Memory is fast, but extremely expensive. That’s why it’s important for companies to properly plan for and balance out their data distribution to only index into memory the best candidates.
BWA and the 50% rule
BWA is made up of a series of blades. Let’s use HP’s 36GB blades for examples sake. If your appliance has 14 blades, you would have 504 GB of space for data storage, right? Wrong. BWA has its own 50% rule.
Per SAP’s best practices, only half of each blade can be filled with data meaning only 18GB of each 36GB blade is usable for indexing. 18GB*14 blades = 252GB. The other 18GB is used for processing and computing. As you creep over the 50% index storage number, expect to see performance degrading exponentially.
Our BWA is full, now what?
RAM within BWA is very, very expensive. Unless everything is being used equally within the BWA, I would recommend performing an As-Is assessment of all indexed InfoCubes and remove the least utilized InfoCubes to free up space for more popular cubes. RSDDBIASTATUSE is a handy BW table that stores the execution history of queries against the BWA by cube. Take a look at query execution history to better identify the slackers. You will be surprised by how much space you could easily regain by removing a few hogs.
How much space is a cube taking up on BWA memory?
Transaction TREXADMIN allows you to view exactly how much space a table is taking up on BWA. Focus solely on the F table which consists of both the E and F tables from the BW side. There is no E table on BWA, just F.
Firstly, we type in an InfoCube we know is indexed in BWA. In this example I’m using cube 0PCA_C01. Navigate to the Index Admin tab and type *0PCA_C01* in order to pull all relevant tables for this cube. Now focus on the F table and the Memory Size column. This cube is taking up 211,292 KB or 0.2 GB of BWA’s total memory.
How much space is a cube taking on BW disk?
Transaction DB02 allows you to view size at a database level. Go into BW Analysis and access both the E and F cube object areas. Below you can see each row from each area. If you combine both of these, you will have around 3.5GB of data.
As you can see the compression ratio can change drastically from cube to cube. 3.5GB of data on BW for this cube only takes up 0.2 GB on BWA! Feel free to leave comments below and share with your friends and colleagues.
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